Republican Party
The environment among Republicans in Michigan is “toxic”, according to participants in SM24’s election security workshop held 6/1/24. Feelings are still running high from the civil war between the various grassroots and establishment factions of the Michigan GOP. SM24 is attempting shuttle diplomacy to get Republicans to set aside their differences and work together because of the importance of preventing a stolen election in Michigan in 2024.
8/16/24 - RNC Not Inspiring Confidence in Detroit, Yet
SM24 put a number of questions to the Republican National Committee directed at preventing a repeat of what happened in Detroit in the 2020 election - Republican poll challengers kicked out of polling places, cardboard placed over the windows so nobody could see what was going on, vans delivering boxes of suspicious ballots with no chain of custody in the middle of the night, and all the rest of it.
A source at the RNC, speaking on background, touted the RNC’s overall national election integrity efforts consisting of recruiting volunteers and engaging in litigation around the country. However, when pressed on a number of specific questions regarding what the RNC is or is not doing to prepare in Detroit, the source was less forthcoming. It should be noted that the state Michigan Republican Party is not undertaking election integrity efforts of its own for the 2024 election, and is deferring to the RNC instead, a different source told SM24.
The source at the RNC said the RNC has signed up 150,000 volunteers for its poll watching ground game nationwide. The RNC was under court injunction preventing election integrity efforts for many years, so the activity this year is unprecedented. Moreover, the mechanics of recruiting, training, and deploying volunteers were rehearsed in primary elections, so it’s now a matter of scaling up from there.
As for litigation, the RNC has been successful in court in Michigan. In all, radical Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has lost seven or so election integrity court battles in recent months.
But what about Detroit, where a repeat of apparent cheating by the Democrats could determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election in Michigan? As for the ground game, the RNC source said only, “For Detroit, we are fighting to have more of our Republican poll workers hired and we have a significant number of poll watchers to be in a strong position. But we need more help! Volunteers can sign up at” SM24 had previously heard the Republicans have Detroit completely covered with volunteers, but that is apparently not the case.
SM24’s remaining questions identified a number of weaknesses in the Republican election integrity effort in Detroit, which weaknesses will not be divulged here. SM24 is not satisfied with what it was told on a number of points. One area where the RNC’s answers and information provided to SM24 were less than complete is in the preparations to seek immediate judicial relief should abuses like those in 2020 occur again, or should the outcome of the election stink to high heaven like it did that year.
Because the RNC, for whatever reason, would not give more reassurances on the weaknesses identified (even in confidence off the record), one can only conclude that the RNC has a ways to go to secure the election in Detroit in November. There are too many unanswered questions at this point to have complete confidence in the Republican effort.
To its credit, the RNC under new leadership is as serious about election integrity as it ever has been, but its effort in Detroit does not inspire confidence, at this point. However, with enough pressure from enough people, the holes can be plugged and the RNC’s effort to secure the election in Detroit can be made satisfactory. With the state Republican Party out of the game, the RNC is the last best hope we have of securing the election and ensuring that a Trump victory is not stolen away from us.
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8/15/24 - Questions were put to the Michigan Republican Party: The federal deadline for cleaning the voter rolls before the 2024 election is fast approaching. What has the Michigan Republican Party done to remove noncitizens, deceased voters, people who have moved out of state, inactive voters, and other ineligible voters from the rolls? MiGOP did not respond.
6/15/24 - An intermediary tried to bring SM24 together with a state representative of the Republican National Committee to discuss election integrity efforts for the 2024 election. The RNC representative did not respond.
6/12/24 - SM24 made arrangements to speak with a county GOP chair on the establishment side, but chair postponed the meeting, then ceased all communications.
The environment among Republicans in Michigan is “toxic”, according to participants in SM24’s election security workshop held 6/1/24. Feelings are still running high from the civil war between the various grassroots and establishment factions of the Michigan GOP. SM24 is attempting shuttle diplomacy to get Republicans to set aside their differences and work together because of the importance of preventing a stolen election in Michigan in 2024.
8/16/24 - RNC Not Inspiring Confidence in Detroit, Yet
SM24 put a number of questions to the Republican National Committee directed at preventing a repeat of what happened in Detroit in the 2020 election - Republican poll challengers kicked out of polling places, cardboard placed over the windows so nobody could see what was going on, vans delivering boxes of suspicious ballots with no chain of custody in the middle of the night, and all the rest of it.
A source at the RNC, speaking on background, touted the RNC’s overall national election integrity efforts consisting of recruiting volunteers and engaging in litigation around the country. However, when pressed on a number of specific questions regarding what the RNC is or is not doing to prepare in Detroit, the source was less forthcoming. It should be noted that the state Michigan Republican Party is not undertaking election integrity efforts of its own for the 2024 election, and is deferring to the RNC instead, a different source told SM24.
The source at the RNC said the RNC has signed up 150,000 volunteers for its poll watching ground game nationwide. The RNC was under court injunction preventing election integrity efforts for many years, so the activity this year is unprecedented. Moreover, the mechanics of recruiting, training, and deploying volunteers were rehearsed in primary elections, so it’s now a matter of scaling up from there.
As for litigation, the RNC has been successful in court in Michigan. In all, radical Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has lost seven or so election integrity court battles in recent months.
But what about Detroit, where a repeat of apparent cheating by the Democrats could determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election in Michigan? As for the ground game, the RNC source said only, “For Detroit, we are fighting to have more of our Republican poll workers hired and we have a significant number of poll watchers to be in a strong position. But we need more help! Volunteers can sign up at” SM24 had previously heard the Republicans have Detroit completely covered with volunteers, but that is apparently not the case.
SM24’s remaining questions identified a number of weaknesses in the Republican election integrity effort in Detroit, which weaknesses will not be divulged here. SM24 is not satisfied with what it was told on a number of points. One area where the RNC’s answers and information provided to SM24 were less than complete is in the preparations to seek immediate judicial relief should abuses like those in 2020 occur again, or should the outcome of the election stink to high heaven like it did that year.
Because the RNC, for whatever reason, would not give more reassurances on the weaknesses identified (even in confidence off the record), one can only conclude that the RNC has a ways to go to secure the election in Detroit in November. There are too many unanswered questions at this point to have complete confidence in the Republican effort.
To its credit, the RNC under new leadership is as serious about election integrity as it ever has been, but its effort in Detroit does not inspire confidence, at this point. However, with enough pressure from enough people, the holes can be plugged and the RNC’s effort to secure the election in Detroit can be made satisfactory. With the state Republican Party out of the game, the RNC is the last best hope we have of securing the election and ensuring that a Trump victory is not stolen away from us.
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8/15/24 - Questions were put to the Michigan Republican Party: The federal deadline for cleaning the voter rolls before the 2024 election is fast approaching. What has the Michigan Republican Party done to remove noncitizens, deceased voters, people who have moved out of state, inactive voters, and other ineligible voters from the rolls? MiGOP did not respond.
6/15/24 - An intermediary tried to bring SM24 together with a state representative of the Republican National Committee to discuss election integrity efforts for the 2024 election. The RNC representative did not respond.
6/12/24 - SM24 made arrangements to speak with a county GOP chair on the establishment side, but chair postponed the meeting, then ceased all communications.